How to keep COVID-19 from entering your home
The Department of Health gave tips on how to prevent the coronavirus from entering your home after you've gone outside. Check it out in this gallery
Tips from DOH
In a bid to contain and prevent the spread of the pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19, the government has placed Luzon in an enhanced community quarantine. However, people are still allowed to go outside their homes for work or to buy some basic necessities.
In this regard, the Department of Health gave tips on how to prevent the coronavirus from entering your home.
Bring alcohol or hand sanitizer
Unless it is an emergency or other situation that requires you to go outside, stay at home.
However, if you really need to go outside, remember to bring an alcohol or hand sanitizer and refrain from touching your face while outdoors.
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Leave your shoes outside
Before entering your home, remember to spray alcohol on the sole of your shoes. Remove your shoes and place it outside or near the door.
Sanitize your hands
Leave an alcohol or hand sanitizer outside the door so you can sanitize your hands before entering the house. In other ways, do not touch anything inside your home while your hands are not yet clean.
Disinfect your things
Put your bag, keys, coins, and other things you brought outside in a designated area or box near the door. Clean those things by spraying water with bleach or a 70% alcohol solution.
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Wash your clothes
Separate your clothes in a different laundry bag. Wash it with water, detergent, and a little amount of bleach immediately.
Take a bath
Take a bath as soon as you get home. Wash all the body parts exposed from when you were outdoors with soap. And, similarly with proper handwashing, scrub your body for 20 seconds.
Practice preventive measures
Continue practicing the preventive measures against COVID-19.
Make it a habit to wash your hands, observe physical distancing, cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, stay at home, wear face mask if you are ill, and regularly clean (using bleach or household detergent with water) the things you always touch.
WHO recommends 'physical distancing' instead of 'social distancing'
Proper precautions
DOH reminds that, “it is not possible to disinfect your house too much.” But with proper precaution, you can lessen the possibility of letting the COVID-19 enter your home.