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May 14 to 18, 2007: Captives
Published On: May 11, 2007, 12:00 AM
Updated On: October 23, 2020, 08:16 AM
When she saves the Super Twins from the Metal Villains, does it mean that the real Ester has come back? Or is she stringing the twins along for Eliazar?
A vengeful Manuel tries to avenge his mother’s death and charges to the Paredes household. But instead of harming Nickelina, Manuel is the one who gets shot by Rex! He manages to survive, but he is now farther to his family than ever before!
Evil Ester continues to battle against the Super Twins, but the twins can’t find it in themselves to harm their mother. Luckily for them, Eliseo arrives just in time to save them. But during their second battle, the Super Twins manage to knock Ester out, but the resourceful villainess was still able to escape.
Nickelina, Rex and Allumisya become the captives of Metallad on a plot to capture the Super Twins. While one of them becomes a casualty, the other two are turned into new enemies for the Super Twins: the Metal Villains!
Ester faces her own problems when exposure to her heart causes her to remember her memories. And when she saves the Super Twins from the Metal Villains, does it mean that the real Ester has come back? Or is she stringing the twins along for Eliazar?
More twists and more turns await in the last few weeks of Super Twins! Tune in weeknights after Asian Treasures.
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