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the skincare diet
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The Skincare Diet: A "less is more approach" to achieving better skin

By Felix Ilaya
Tired of your nightly multi-step skincare routine that yields barely any results? Maybe it's time for your skincare routine to go on a diet.

Complex Korean skincare routines comprising seven, 10, or even more steps have become a huge trend for beauty enthusiasts in recent years. While many sing praise for the positive effects they've noticed on their skin brought about by their routines, others aren't too keen on following the arduous regimen of piling on layer after layer of products on their faces.

Some have even reported getting bad reactions on their skin because of the multi-step routine. Such is the case with Kapuso actress Kyline Alcantara who dealt with a major acne breakout last 2018.

As a response to this, other South Korean beauty enthusiasts have turned to a more minimalist approach when it comes to their routines which then gave rise to the "Skincare Diet" trend.

The Skincare Diet

In essence, the Skincare Diet is basically just paring down your skincare routine to the bare minimum. For most, they're left with their facial cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF; while some continue to use a few extra products that deal with their specific skin conditions.

YouTuber Liah Yoo and founder of skincare brand Krave Beauty attests to the efficacy of the skincare diet. According to her, this "skincare fast" can help the skin re-balance itself to be self-regulating and self-healing which is one of the many feats our skin is actually capable of doing on its own.

With that said, what makes the skincare diet such an efficient method to achieve better skin as opposed to a multi-step routine?

For one, the latter tends to be much harsher, there might be ingredients in your serums and lotions that could actually irritate your skin. The layers upon layers of skincare products also make it difficult to pinpoint what is causing redness or inflammation on the face.

Through a more focused regimen, you would know exactly which products you have on your face and have you lessen the variables to consider whenever a problem arises on your skin.

The skincare diet is also a more sustainable and manageable routine. Cutting everything down to just three of four steps will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Plus, it helps you become more consistent in following through with a daily routine which will make the glowing results appear faster on your skin.

If you must add a few other products to your "diet," Yoo suggests taking things slowly; introducing a new ingredient one at a time so as to not shock the skin with too many things all at once. This way, you can easily gauge its effects whether it be a positive or negative one.

All in all, putting your skincare routine on a diet may just be what your skin needs to achieve an easy and effortless glow.

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