PWR Live Holding Hands While Wrestling: Full card preview
Couples and singles with loving friends and family who want to do something unique this Valentine's can look forward to Holding Hands While Wrestling (HHWW), PWR's show for February.

HANDICAP MATCH: Ralph Imabayashi & Rederick Mahaba vs. Miguel Rosales
Shortly after winning the PWR Championship at "Kingdom Come," Imabayashi pounced on the defeated champion Chris Panzer with special guest referee—and his tag team partner—Mahaba, who helped him win the title.
Fortunately for Panzer, the newly-reinstated Miguel Rosales came to his aid and fended off both Mahaba and Imabayashi.
Panzer's good luck came to an end when he and Rosales were attacked again backstage, leading to a back injury that will take the ex-champion out for at least two months.
This left Rosales again to the whims of PWR's General Manager, John Sebastian, whom he defeated to get reinstated and who forced him in this handicap match with Imabayashi and Mahaba.
Before the main event, Imabayashi and Mahaba will have a Championship Celebration of Love and Respect to honor the first title to come to their partnership since starting MTNH.
TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT FINALS: Trian Dela Torre & Evan Carleaux vs. Zayden Trudeau & BOLT
Dela Torre and Carleaux have been relentless in targeting Bolt and Trudeau on social media since "Kingdom Come," releasing meme after meme and even coming up with the hashtag #CanadianWeightliftingTeam for the duo.
Bolt and Trudeau may not have been as stringent as their foes in social media, but they certainly have the in-ring skills to fight for the #1 Contenders spot for the PWR Tag Team Championship.
The self-proclaimed Queen of Philippine Wrestling, Crystal seems to have a bone to pick with Robynn despite having better opportunities than the only other female competitor in PWR.
Robynn, for her part, was sick of Crystal's ego and matched her aggression in "Kingdom Come," where they were forced apart by officials after their altercation spilled outside the ring.
In "HHWW," the two will be given the chance to pick up where they left off in PWR's first-ever female All Out War: no disqualifications, no count-outs, no rules to hold back the two women from giving the other everything they've got.
SIX-MAN TAG TEAM MATCH: Ken Warren & The YOLO Twins (Yohann and Logan Ollores) vs. Mike Madrigal, Vlad Sinnsyk, and The Apocalypse
After a great but losing performance against Madrigal last week, Warren blasted The YOLO Twins for their selfishness after they complained of his absence at their own match.
Warren has since then apologized for his outburst and challenged Madrigal to a six-man tag match to prove his bond with his "fam."
Madrigal, meanwhile, lead the Kakaibros to believe that they will be his partners in his quest to #RetireKenWarren and instead picked his former tag team partner Vlad Sinnsyk and the man Sinnsyk beat for the All Out War Championship, The Apocalypse.
Not satisfied with putting away Brad Cruz and Dax Xaviera, who is out for two months due to injuries, De Leon is out to punish SANDATA for getting complacent after gaining supporters.
Instead of lashing out, SANDATA thanked De Leon for his criticism. Though he admitted to losing fire, the masked warrior is out to prove that he can raise his game like De Leon without sacrificing his morals and friends—like De Leon.
Other matches to look out for include Martivo vs. Vintendo and the strange, but interesting face-offs between Peter Versoza and Revo Ranger and The Network vs. Brad Cruz & McKata, and the special pre-show tag team match featuring QUATRO & Trabajador Maximo vs. The Kakaibros.
Seating for HHWW on Sunday, February 11, 2018 at Venue 142 Events Place, Katipunan Avenue is limited. Reservations can be made through or by messaging PWR on Facebook.
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