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Ryan Agoncillo, Judy Ann Santos set gadget rules at home

These days, is it possible for kids to be gadget-free?

What celebrity parents Ryan Agoncillo and Judy Ann Santos did was set some rules, which must be followed by their kids Yohan, 11, and Lucho, 6.

Ryan said, "They are still into gadgets, but they have disiplina. Early on, siyempre, noong maliliit pa sila, okay lang na you expose them to digital world. They're digital natives, there's nothing we could do.”

When asked about their rules, the Eat Bulaga! Dabarkads said, "One of the basic rules for Yohan and Lucho when they started to go to school, Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon, they can't do the iPad thing, they can't go on the laptops, they can't touch their video gaming consoles."

"They can research though on their iPad or their laptop, but only if it's for school and we're always covering."


digital native #iLEICAlikethat #Q

A photo posted by Ryan Agoncillo (@ryan_agoncillo) on


In a separate interview with PEP, Judy Ann echoed what her husband said.

"Puwede silang mag-iPad only to research on something. Hindi puwedeng mag-games, hindi puwedeng mag-YouTube, nothing. So they always research on something and they have to learn something from that research."

"Now, he [Lucho] researches on every thing about dinosaurs, piranhas, gusto niya iyong mga poisonous frogs."

She added in jest, "Ganun siya, hindi ko naiintindihan pero nasasakyan ko naman."



5 #buching

A photo posted by Ryan Agoncillo (@ryan_agoncillo) on


What if the kids want to play on weekdays?

Ryan said they are allowed so long as there's no gadget involved.

"Actually, even if they're grounded, they can still play as long as it's out in the garden. They can take a bicycle ride, they can play with musical instruments if they want. They can go to the playground if they want."

"Pero ang bawal ay iyan, television and gadgets."

Good thing, their kids are more interested about outdoor and educational activities than playing with gadgets.

In fact, for Lucho's sixth birthday, Tatay Ryan built a small 'science lab' for him.

The reason?

Judy Ann revealed, "If you'll ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he wants to be a parkour guy and a scientist, so parang Spider-man."


"when i grow up, i want to be a parkour guy and a scientist!" may all your dreams and wishes come true bud. #storiesforlucho

A photo posted by Ryan Agoncillo (@ryan_agoncillo) on



But Ryan knows that it's inevitable for Yohan and, soon, Lucho, to get exposed to social media.

One time, his panganay asked him about his social media post.

"Yohan knows like, she'll come up to me and says, 'Dad, my friend says you posted a note that I wrote.''

This is okay, said Ryan, “Wala, it's inevitable. But if you're asking me if they have social media accounts, no."

He further stressed, "I think it's inevitable that they're exposed to social media, but to engage is something else. It's something that even me, as a 37-year-old, I'm wrestling with it."

"I don't think it's healthy for someone at their age to actually engage in it. To be exposed, I guess, it's inevitable. But to engage, I wouldn't encourage it, not yet."



saw this while having breakfast?? #storiesforlucho

A photo posted by Ryan Agoncillo (@ryan_agoncillo) on


In conclusion, PEP asked Ryan, "Until when are they going to impose their 'no gadgets rule'?

Ryan replied, "I'm guessing there will come a point... Actually, it has arrived that they do it to themselves already."

"There will come a time that you don't have to impose rules already. They'll do it on their own, I think." — PEP

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