Claiming some government officials may prefer hard copies to email, a hacktivist group opposing the Anti-Cybercrime Act is turning to "low-tech" fax to get its message through.

Guy Fawkes mask image
Anonymous Pilipinas instructed its followers in an AnonPaste post to use to send an image of a Guy Fawkes mask to at least three officials. "Gov't people are oldies. Probably don't check email as much and prefer hard copies. I'm thinkin' Black Fax is the way to go! Just sayin'," it said in a
Twitter post. The numbers specified in the message include one in Malacañang, one at an independent financial institution, and one at the Executive Department. In its message, Anonymous Pilipinas also suggested the sender "send a text message on your faxes, or you can attach (a) Black Fax image. The Black Fax Image is a Guy Fawkes mask
image that has become a symbol of the Anonymous collective. "Send as many as you can by changing up E-Mail addresses and IP addresses.... Because we are the final boss of the Internet," the collective
said. Earlier this week, the group had targeted many government websites to dramatize its opposition to the Anti-Cybercrime Law, whose provisions on online libel had raised concerns about violations of freedom of speech.
— LBG, GMA News