WATCH: #PopeForPlanet: Climate change NGO releases ‘trailer’ for papal encyclical
June 15, 2015 9:26pm
Pope Francis’ papal encyclical addressing climate change is probably one of the most awaited Papal addresses of our time. And now, thanks to the Observatório do Clima, we have a fake trailer to enjoy before the encyclical's release.

Watch the pope go through a training montage, learn martial arts, and practice with his coach, Jesus Christ, in the video below.

The video was uploaded by the Observatório do Clima, a network of civil society organizations that aims to raise awareness about and promote action against climate change in Brazil.

The release of the encyclical, which will be called “Laudato Si (Be Praised), On the Care of Our Common Home,” would mean that protecting the environment now becomes a moral imperative. Bea Montenegro/BM, GMA News

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