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Palace condoles with kin of Resorts World Manila incident victims

Malacañang on Friday extended its sympathies to the family and loved ones of those who died during a gunfire incident in Resorts World Manila.

"The Palace wishes to express its deep condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Resorts World Manila's latest incident," presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella said at the Mindanao Hour briefing.

National Capital Region Police Office chief Supt. Oscar Albayalde said that 36 died in Resorts World due to suffocation. The lone gunman burned himself to death.

"This is a reminder that civilized society has no place for this kind of violence. Thus, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has put the campaign against criminality as a centerpiece program of his administration," Abella said.

"The safety of citizens and the security of communities are our primordial concerns, and we hope to seek everybody’s cooperation to achieve a peaceful and fear-free environment," he added. — RSJ, GMA News