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54 celebrities on NCRPO drug list

The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) on Saturday revealed that a total of 54 celebrities have been included in its updated drug list.

NCRPO director Chief Superintendent Oscar Albayalde said that additional names were included in the list based on information from celebrities Sabrina M and Krista Miller, who were recently arrested by the Quezon City Police District Office.

Albayalde said that the number could still grow as policemen in Metro Manila make more arrests of drug personalities.

"Every time we make arrests, more names are being included because they were all telling us the persons they transact with," said Albayalde.

Albayalde declined to reveal the names of the celebrities on the list. He said the list is being validated.

"These are all being subjected to validation," he said.

Aside from information from arrested suspects, he said some of the names were included in the list based on intelligence reports.

Mark Anthony not included

Officials of the NCRPO said that actor Mark Anthony Fernandez, who was arrested last week for possession of at least a kilo of marijuana, is not on the list.

They explained that majority of the celebrities on the NCRPO's list are into shabu, cocaine and party drugs.

Police had also arrested radio disc jockey Karen Bordador along with her boyfriend in an operation last September.

The Southern Police District had said that the couple squealed names of their celebrity clients.

Albayalde, meanwhile, could not confirm if the NCRPO's list is the same as the list of President Rodrigo Duterte.

"Sorry I can't say kasi I haven't seen [the] list of the President," the NCRPO chief told GMA News Online.

Tokhang or surrender

Last week, Philippine National Police chief Ronald dela Rosa said that he has also not seen President Duterte's list of celebrities involved in drugs.

Dela Rosa said if ever the President would show the list to him, he will subject the celebrities to Oplan Tokhang.

“Sa mga artista kung ibigay ni Presidente sa akin yung listahan na yun, gusto mo i-Tokhang natin sila? Ito-tokhang natin. Sama kayo?” the PNP told reporters.

Albayalde appealed to talent managers to voluntarily surrender the celebrities who are using drugs.

"I appeal to them to surrender or subject their talent to drug test. They should not wait for these celebrities [to be] subjected to Oplan Tokhang," he said. —with Erwin Colcol/ALG, GMA News