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Manila, Buenos Aires sweeten 64-yr. relations by boosting economic, political ties

To bolster economic and political ties between Argentina and Philippines, Buenos Aires is sending its Foreign minister to Manila – the first Latin American Finance official to visit the country under the Aquino administration.   Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic Héctor Timerman will meet Philippine officials during his Sept. 13-14 visit and discuss how to broaden their relations and people and cultural engagement, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Wednesday.   Last month at the sidelines of Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for East Asia and Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC) in Buenos Aires, Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario invited Timerman to visit Manila.   The Philippines and Argentina have been enjoying diplomatic relations for the past 64 years.   Argentina is one of the first Latin American states with which the Philippines had established bilateral ties.   “It manifests the close cooperation and ties between the Philippines and Argentina, where there has been considerable engagement in the areas of trade, investment and culture through the years,” according to the DFA.   Timerman and Del Rosario are scheduled to discuss key issues on trade, investments, economy, regional and global developments, and cultural cooperation and exchange.   Philippine and Argentine officials will convene the first meeting of the Philippine-Argentina Joint Technical Working Group on Technical Cooperation – the group tasked to develop a work plan for enforcing of the Philippine-Argentina Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on technical cooperation.   The agreement seeks ways on how Philippines and Argentina could benefit from the exchange of best practices and experiences in biotechnology, agriculture, renewable energy and medicine. — VS, GMA News

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