8 Reasons why Kylie Padilla is an awesome role model to baby sister Maria Isabella Padilla
Kylie Padilla is no stranger to being a big sister. After all, she and her older sister Queenie serves as 'ate' to their siblings Zhen-Zhen and Ali Padilla. And now a big sis to Mariel's daughter, Maria Isabella, too.
Kylie is a staunch advodate for the environment and she will teach her sibling how to love and respect nature.
Part of Kylie's early career was about music. She's a certified singer-songwriter and recording artist with an album entitled Seasons under her belt. She can definitely pass on what she knows to baby sis.
Kylie is a practicing Muay Thai artist and her knowledge will definitely come in handy for sister Isabella when the time comes.
Kylie thinks animals are the better species as she captioned this photo in her Instagram. It's a clear indication that the actress loves animals and thinks highly of them. Baby Isabella would want to be like her ate, would she not?
Among Kylie's hobbies include painting, specificially mermaids. Baby Isabelle will surely love to explore that kind of art as she gets older and big sis Kylie can teach her the basics.
Being in show business, Kylie has now mastered the art of dressing up for every occassion and that's a must for any girl growing up.
If Baby Isabelle turns to be like beautiful mom Mariel and sister Kylie, she's bound to ask about makeup and ate Kylie can help out in that department.